This post contains reports regarding MBA & BBA program. There are 8 reports, covering both general & internship issue. All these reports sourced from third party resources, which is web or internet. These reports are being generated by students from different universities of different countries & regarding different companies. Our objective is to help you out by providing a guideline, when you will make your own report.
Our focus is helping; not copying. So try to be genuine while preparing reports. Hope these will act as a guide line.
2. Internship-Report-for-Mobilink-Pakistan (download)
3. Internship-Report-for-Bank-Alfalah Pakistan (download)
4. Critical Assessment of the Research Methodology used in SRG Bangladesh Limited (download)
5. Customer Satisfaction of ATM users in Bangladesh (download)
6. Marketing strategy of newspaper industry in Bangladesh a study on daily prothom alo (download)
7. Internship-Report on Warid Pakistan (download)
8. Internship-Report on Reliance India (download)
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